Earn By Travel Blog

Seeing constant photos from my travel adventures on your Facebook or Instagram feeds makes it look like a dream job. After all, I get paid to travel the world! I admit it’s a pretty dream profession. So today I wanted to share a useful guide for how to get started with travel blogging. Because that’s the first step if you ever want to become a professional blogger!


How To Start A Travel Blog:

  • Pick A Good Travel Blog Name & Theme
  • Contact zoo Travel Technology Company to develop a travel blog
  • Install WordPress | premium plugins | OTA Travel portal
  • Learn How To Give A Blog Post
  • Write Useful Content
  • Markup your Flight & Hotel Price
  • Keep Travel Related Information & Services
  • Make Money With Your Blog
  • Earning Source – Air Ticket Sales Commission, Hotel Sales Commission, Visa Assitance Fee, Holiday Packages Sales, Google AdSense, Guest Posting, And Advertisement.


Earn By A Travel Blog

I am so sick of reading that making money from a travel blog is hard, but it’s not. It’s actually pretty easy if you know what you have to do. The problem is, most people don’t know how it would be done. I’ve been working as a professional travel blogger for the past 8 years, and earn six figures annually from blogging. My income now is passive income, which is a dream job for all. So I regularly receive tons of emails asking for tips about how to start a travel blog and make money. There are a few ways to earn travel blogs. here I have given a few tips:

What do you have to do?

  • Create a travel blog with useful content that is related to your travel work.
  • Guest Posting On Other Blogs.
  • Staying active on social media and posting your promotions.
  • Active in Digital Marketing and Professional Networking.
  • Make your OTA website, A B2B & B2C Travel portal. (Flight, Hotels, Sightseeings)
  • A Travel Expert always researches the travel market and keep good relation with an other travel vendor.
  • As much as you can promote your Booking APPS or Websites. (zoo Info Tech Develop APPS & OTA)


How you can earn passive income?

Travel blogging is a popular & profitable niche that can generate great amounts of revenue using various monetization methods. Some of the most popular passive monetization methods are: Google AdSense, Flight OTA Portal & Mark up Policy, Hotel OTA portal & Mark up Policy, Travel Guest Posting, Information Assistance, Affiliate marketing

If you are interested to make a travel blog or business,  you may contact zoo Info Tech (Travel Technology Team) which has more than 150+ travel websites and blogs. They have a B2B and B2C travel portal plan. I did my website from them. Here is their contact no and WhatsApp: +8801978569299


How To Start A Travel Blog

Starting your very first travel blog is actually pretty easy. If you follow my guide, you can have your own blog up and running today. Now keep in mind the following advice is for those who are prepared to take travel blogging seriously, as some of these steps require spending money. If you just want to blog as a hobby, you can always start a simple travel blog for family & friends on WordPress.com. It’s totally free! However, if you’re interested in making a living with travel blogging as I do, keep reading.


1: Pick A Good Travel Blog Name & Theme

My first travel blog was called zooholiday.com. Your travel blog domain name should be relatively short, easy to type, easy to spell, easy to remember, and easy to share. I recommend brainstorming by writing down a bunch of words you think will best describe your blog. Adventure? Food? Culture? South America? What do you want to write about? Who are you? What is your passion? Write everything down and start playing with different combinations of words. Try using a thesaurus. Ask your friends for advice & suggestions. Choose a professional theme as per your plan.

2: Choose A Developer Company to make your OTA:

OTA means online travel agency, You need to make your online travel portal to earn passively.  Our recommendation is to contact zooIT- an information technology company to develop a travel blog. You can check their demo at: https://demo.zoo.family

Their packages start from 200$ to 3500$. It’s quite really reasonable if you compare OTA development cost and quality full services. Most people don’t know how to work, so if you need a virtual consultancy then you may click here.


3: Install WordPress | premium plugins | OTA Travel portal

To start a serious travel blog, you want a self-hosted WordPress account. This means the WordPress software resides on your hosting company’s servers.

  • Your website is “MyTravelBlog.com” rather than “MyTravelBlog.WordPress.com”
  • You own your data and have full control
  • You can sell advertising on your site
  • Install plugins & custom themes by you
  • You can use Google Analytics tracking (important)
  • You can create an OTA travel portal on a subdomain


4: Learn How To Give A Blog Post

WordPress is the industry standard when it comes to blogging platforms and has been for years, there are TONS of useful tutorials online that will teach you anything you need to know. Basically, spend a weekend learning how to use your dashboard, how to tweak your site’s settings, how to post an article, etc. You’ll get the hang of everything with practice.

If you have any questions about setting up your WordPress blog that isn’t covered in the tutorials, simply type your question into Google or youtube and you’re sure to find an answer because WordPress is such a popular platform for blogging!

5: Write Useful Content

Writing useful content is the most important part of any blog. When it comes to travel then you have to follow a few travel blogs. And take an idea from those blogs and write your travel-related article and post it on your blog. This is a simple way to make your blog useful. And you could hire a writer as well from zoo travel technology company. They will help you to write useful content to reach your goal. When you first start out, I recommend publishing new articles at least 1-2 times per week. But remember, quality is more important than quantity!

Take your time to craft excellent, useful blog posts that have an impact. You want your articles to inspire wanderlust, but they should include plenty of actionable tips too.

Share your favorite (or not-so-favorite) parts of a country. Give tips for fun things to do, share your crazy travel stories, show off your beautiful images in photo essays, create a short video tour, or give food recommendations.

6: Markup your Flight & Hotel Price

For a business most important is profit. So Our OTA development module actually made for earning passively with the markup system. Here you can buy travel inventory with B2B price and you can increase the percentage of the price as per your wish. Which is an attractive system for a travel blog company. Their OTA system price strat from 200$ to 3500$


7: Keep Travel Related Information & Services

You must keep your plan and service as per your business module and category. Remember first you need your visitor who can covert your clients. So it’s important to keep travel-related information and services. It will create your blog value and demands. When people ask me for travel blogging tips, my first recommendation is to join a specialized blogging course like Airways Office Blogging. My first choice goes to passion than travel-related information and services. You need to learn how to build an audience. You need to learn how to use social media. Need to learn how to market yourself. You need to learn how to work with brands. You need to learn how to implement Information by SEO-optimized articles.


8: Make Money With Your Blog & Earning Source:

At first, your only readers will be family and friends. But that’s ok! We all started like that. To begin making money with your travel blog, you need to have a larger audience than just family and friends. The more traffic your blog receives, the more money you can make with it. It takes time to build an audience and grow traffic. Don’t focus on making money right away, focus on building your audience. You can earn with a travel blog through by

In the beginning, you won’t earn too much though. All of these income streams grow only when your audience grows. So that should be your first priority moving forward!

Setting up a travel blog is easy, but building an audience is much tougher. You shouldn’t expect to see any large reader statistics for at least a year, probably longer. That’s one full year of blogging on a regular basis, paying for everything yourself, and putting in at least 10 hours a week. If you don’t see yourself as a professional blogger then you have to invest your time. To make a quick income you must make an online travel agency (OTA) Portal. Where you can markup flights and hotels price as per your wishes.

Yes, it’s a dream job, but travel blogging is still a job that requires hard work. Creating a successful travel blog won’t happen overnight either. But no risk, no reward! And importantly with investment, you can earn more money.


Start the B2B Travel business with us!

We maintain the whole travel business with many airlines and travel agencies API. The aviation and travel sector is fully connected with GDS as well. So we have connected our system with GDS API and NON-GDS Airlines API. We have four business modules, have look for details:

  • B2B Travel Portal: This portal is connected with all airlines and GDS API.
  • B2B GDS Portal: This is a product of a global distribution system, It’s a web view booking system. You have to collect your login details from us.
  • Airlines portal login is a product for travel agents, we provide SUB – Agent id who as per requirement. You have to collect login details from us.
  • We provide API and white labels for our Blog Partners. In fact, we support developing travel websites or blogs.


B2B Travel Portal

our B2B travel portal is a solution for all API-connected portals. Where we connected all airlines and GDS API. Registration is much easier. Just with a few clicks, you can register on our B2B travel portal. For details: click here. Benefits of our B2B program: 7% Discount out of 7% commission, only service charge applicable.

Sub Agent Requirements:
Please go through the files for our requirements for sub-agents. we need all of your documents to be our sub-agents. If you are interested to be our subagent please come with those documents to our office. and you can also contact this no: Call or whatsapp:+8801678569298 | Email: support@zoo.family

B2B GDS Portal

Our B2B GDS portal is a portal of web GDS browsers. With a request or registration,  you will get a login and can book your air ticket. GDS means A global distribution system (GDS) is a computerized network system owned or operated by a company that enables transactions between travel industry service providers, mainly airlines, hotels, car rental companies, and travel agencies.

How GDS is used by a travel agent?

The Global Distribution System (GDS) is a primary reservation tool for travel agents. GDS is a network that enables travel agencies and their clients to access travel data, shop for and compare reservation options, and book travel.

There are 3 GDS Systems mainly. Here is all the GDS web browser portal where you can book with a few clicks. [for login id and password you need to call us:+8801768232311]


Related Post: Flight API | Hotel API | OTA Development | OTA Demo | API Doc